Imagine it... one week eating zero processed foods. That means nothing boxed, canned, or frozen; no food additives or preservatives or chemically-altered foods; no deli meats; no chips, breads, or pastas. Nowadays, that is quite a challenge for most families. However, just a few generations back, processed foods were not as widely available and most foods were freshly prepared from their whole food form. Whole foods are rich in nutrients, providing
a rainbow of nourishment for our bodies and soul. Think of the dark green of kale, broccoli, or chard; oranges of sweet potato and butternut squash; the reds and purples of strawberries and blackberries; and the earthy yellows of brown rice and lentils. How much more alive and healthy would we feel if we ate real food?
If a whole foods diet sounds daunting to you, then try it in smaller steps. Pick a new vegetable to try each time you go grocery shopping. Get the kids involved and let them pick out a whole food. Give them some guidelines (something green or orange, not boxed or packaged) and see what they come up with.

Keep the cooking simple. Most dark leafy greens can easily be cooked in a quick saute with olive oil and onions or garlic on low-medium heat. See the photo for the red onion and swiss chard we sauteed with olive oil and then ate with a little brown rice or quinoa on the side. Now that's a power-packed breakfast! Or, you may opt to chop up and roast some squash or root veggies to bring out their wonderful natural sweetness. Try to keep your meals
balanced with colorful veggies and a bean or whole grain.
Enjoy connecting with the earth as you explore new foods.
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