Monday, February 14, 2011

Junk Food in Hospitals

I am amazed that our hospitals, which are supposed to be places of healing, serve junk food.  One of the hospitals I trained in had a McDonald's, which I thought was a fluke. Then I happened to deliver in another hospital in a different area of the country which also had a McDonald's. Why do our hospitals not place more value and support on prevention?   Here is an interesting article by a UK cardiologist entitled I mend hearts. Then I see my patients served junk food by our hospitals. 

I would also highly recommend the documentary Super Size Me, which examines the influence of the fast-food industry.  The film is available for viewing and download for free.

Photo credit

1 comment:

  1. Exactly! I have been saying people are in the hospital to get well... How are patients supposed to get well without healthy whole foods. The food in most hospitals I've been or worked in is shameful. The first thing to being healthy is the proper diet. And by proper healthy whole foods. Free of additives, artificial colors and flavors, pesticides, preservatives, no processed foods, sugars, and gmo. The hospital employees are consuming the same thing majority of the time. They work long hard shifts and its there quick and easy. It really isn't hard to provide healthy quick options
