Integrative pediatrics uses the best of alternative, complementary, and holistic medicine and integrates it with conventional care. This includes addressing the whole child, mind body and spirit, just as a good pediatrician should do. Integrative pediatrics then opens the doors to all different modalities of healing, from conventional to herbals to homeopathy to mind-body therapies to energy work to hands-on manipulation and more. Within integrative pediatrics we take into account the existing research as well as the known and potential risks and benefits of these various therapies. Part of the Hippocratic Oath which all physicians take is: "First do no harm." Integrative pediatrics keeps safety first while expanding the therapeutic toolbox and allowing even greater opportunity for healing.
Integrative physicians work together with other holistic practitioners including osteopaths, homeopaths, acupuncturists, Reiki practitioners, mind-body counselors, as well as all conventional specialists. The best health care is team approach including the parents and family in order to individualize therapies for each child.
In certain circumstances, especially emergent situations such as a broken leg or head injury, conventional care takes priority. In other instances, such as viral illnesses or chronic pain, alternative or complementary care can be just as vital. The best approach is a cooperative, open-minded one, in which we take into account evidence-based medicine, risks and potential benefits.
Integrative medicine seeks the health in each person. Rather than simply covering up symptoms with a pharmaceutical, we look for what can be done to prevent the ailment. In other words, what can we do to help keep this person balanced and healthy?
Integrative pediatrics just makes sense. It's simply good medicine.